

こんにちは。いつにも増して筆不精ですが年の瀬なので今年一年を振り返っておこうと思います。 昨年の振り返りにもあるように今年は効率的な学習を強く意識しました。 kentakudo.hatenablog.com 具体的には一年を四半期に区切りそれぞれテーマを絞って学ぶス…


gcloud container clusters get-credentials [CLUSTER_NAME] Quickstart | Kubernetes Engine Documentation | Google Cloud


This is a note taken when investigating Prometheus. https://prometheus.io/docs/ monitoring and alerting built at SoundCloud pull model via HTTP for short-lived jobs, push gateway is available similar services: Graphite, InfluxDB, OpenTSDB,…


The followings are the notes taken when spiking Consul. host-based to service-based service discovery for connectivity service registry health check DNS and HTTP keep the real time list of services, location and health service segmentation…